Selain tu, gue suka bulan nie coz byk cuti such as Labour Day & Wesak Day. Extra info... 33thn lalu gue dilahirkan pd hari Wesak! (Toiiiingg....). Kalau korang perasan... sbnr-nya byk lagi celebration umum such as Teacher's Day, Nurse Day, Telecomunicatin's Day (aku ingat nie sbb Adam lahir...) and the most memorable and wonderful event.... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! gue nak wish all of mum here.... my frenz out there.... Selamat Hari Ibu which fall on 2nd weekend every year and this year on.... 11th May. Semoga korang semakin `gigih' memperbaiki TITLE IBU, MAK, MAMA, UMMI or MUMMY. he..he..
Tungguuuuuuu..... my entry for this special 1st BDay bebe boy nie.... and Happy Mother's Day to u all mum out there. Sama-samalah kita memperbaiki apaX2 yang kurang selama ini dan cuba membimbing anakX2 ke arah yang lebih baik. Byeee.....