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Friday, 22 February 2008

Here comes another superhero!

Inilah putera sulung Nasrom dan Laily, Muhammad Haziq Najwan.
He was born on 18/2/2008 @10.++pm. His weight 2.8 kg.

Tahniah untuk Su Mat ngan Su Laily (panggilan 3A) for their first child. Mesti Su Mat senyum memanjang lepas nie..... in the same time tak tahu nak buat aper! Hih..hih... Kak nur & Abe Yie pernah mangalami perasaan tu!! Teringat plak pengalaman I ms lahirkan Aisyah hampir 7 tahun dulu... Pukul 2 pagi kejut my hubby, "tak tahan.. sakit!" Sampai sepital, hilang plak! Lepas lunch keesokan hari tu Doc decided nak pecahkan `waterbag'. Start sakit ms tu ler... if I've not mistaken around 3.30pm hinggalah 7.10pm Aisyah was born!! Gue bersalin normal and push that time pun dlm 3-4 times ajer! Kire ok-lah tu yea... utk first BB?? Yg paling besh-nyer hr tu Malaysia cuti for Deepavali. Sib baik my girl nie cerah ler jugak! Ngeh..ngeh...

Just now... I did mention that `another' superhero, right? hmm.. mmg ler he's the first one 4 their parents but cucu lelaki ke-6 sblh sebend gue... cum cucu ke-11 for my MIL. Ekceli my MIL cum `nenek' for 3A dah dapat sorang lagi cucu perempuan pada 28/1/2008 baruX2 ini. Wan Nur Wajihah..... nama yang diberi khas daripada Tuan Guru Nik Aziz. Anak ke-4 utk Kak Yusni & Abg Dillah. Congratulations !!! Semoga bertambah rezeki dan menerima kurniaan-Nya dengan hati yang ikhlas dan bersyukur. Amin.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Nazri Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Pedigree - Free family tree template

Waduh... waduh... bukan senang gue nak edit mende alah nie! Actually, gue dah berkenan lamo dah dgn meter kat atas tur! cuma.. yg susah masa gue meng-edit gambo err! ms nak upload tur web tu takmo accept my photo! ntah... maybe `pose' gue yg tak brp cun...!! At last.... ngeh..ngeh.. Yg gue happy is % tu manyak kat gue! even very little....( layan jer laa ibu sorang ni!)

Monday, 18 February 2008

Poisoning oh! diarrhea.....

Ntah... spelling gue tur betul ntah idak! Nak bgtau... my whole family kena! Firstly... Aiman since blk Kuantan lagi. After 2 days, mula recover sikit... Aisyah plak! Tapi, my eldest nie mmg kuat antibodi die coz kejap aje. Next day was Adam... till today still not fully recover. Ms consult kat Klinik Dr Shanaliza, terkezut die coz I bwk Adam after 2 days suffered from 'that'. I bkn aper, I use Aiman medicine but the dose I kurangkan! Dr Shana tak bagi medicine pun coz Adam still baby and just change the milk. She give ENFALAC and 1 small bottle active cultur. Hmm... leh tahan gak die punye fee.... maybe coz of the cultur tur!! Lastly my hubby. On friday night, around 2 a.m dia kejutkan gue tgh tidur with my kids.... My goodness! tgn terketarX2 and pucat lesi his face! kesian... my honey dew nih! Nak suh I drive?? Maaf... dah lamer lesen I jadik perhiasan!! Terpaksa-lah call my bro-in-law, Nasrom hantar ke Pusrawi. Sebotol lebih gak dimasukkan dlm tubuh my hubby! 6 a.m dah tercegat depan pintu umah. Alhamdulillah...

8 a.m siap kena pegi testing plak! Bursa wat new system.... so all the dealer & remisier have to participate. Compulsory!! nyampah betul... nasib baik my 3A ada org nak jaga. Thanks Shaz.... You're superHero! Penyelamat kami.... Sayang Shaz!! Muaaahh... and thankz to Su Mat gak yg bersusah-payah anto abe u gi Pusrawi tu! InsyaAllah... kak Nur akan menjadi seorang driver yg professional... bkn takat renew license aje every year! Gullpp....

Sorry... no photo! Gambo org sakit... takyah ler amik noo??