Ni nk citer sket... today Aisyah & Aiman FLY to K.Bharu to stay around 2 weeks there with nenek, atuk & kazens! Td Ayah dieorg yg hantar & naik flight skali-lah... then tomm morning br hubby I balik. Hmm... mlm nie nmpk gayenyer... I & Adam je-lah tido berdua! Mesti si kecik tu RINDU kt ayah die... (anak manje ayah ler katakan!)
Oleh krn I takde pic 2A tu... So tempek je larr pics meka ber-3! Knowing that my first 2A tu mmg X NGAM! huhu....
Ops.. lupe nk bgtaw yg this is the 1st time kami wat camni... means anto depa blk kg TANPA ibu ayah lerrr! Ekcelli last year coti sek mcm ni-lah... nenek depa dh request but I Xmo bagi sbb X caye kt bebudak 2 org tu! But this year.... ntah mcm mn rase `ringan' jer mulut ni offer kt hubby & apalagi.... dieorg pun mmg sonok! (hmm.. dieorg X tahu lagi mcm mn mlm2 tanpe ibu & ayah nie....!)
We'll SEE...! Moga selamat perjalanan-mu anak2 ibu & suami-ku...