It was belated birthday actually... Sorry becoz ibu reallyX2 bz to post this special N3. Nie pun tgh confuse... awat pic yg ibu upload ni terbalik! patut yg bwh dulu... tapi, maleh arr nak edit blk! BD cake? tetiba jer `durian runtuh' drp Tok Sue yg buat sendiri choc cake utk Aisyah but the piccas is in the ayah's hp. Sorry again....
Yg kaler yellow/ orange tur hadiah yg ibu beli utk Aisyah. Very simple... just turn around the key (love shape tu) and u can hear the music! Pic kat sblh tur... photo ala studio ms Aisyah 9 months... comel tak? mcm Adam ker... Aiman? he..he..
Happy 7th Birthday to Aisyah Irdina Bt Nazri.... Moga dapat menjadi contoh yg baik utk adikX2 & kebanggaan ayah & ibu! Oso.... Thanks to Sofia coz send the BDay wish thru her new hp.... caya-lah!