Ello.... sowiiii.... long time not update! vely2 bz lorrr... Wokeh.. make it short! straight to the point.... Here the piccas (ishh..mcm byk!) taken from the ATIC Seminar last weekend. I am the leader for Saturday Afternoon Session handling the crowd that visited our booth to get some info for their investment. For 2 days session, we offer for FREE (clients no need to pay for the RM10 for CDS FEE) and also promoted the new launch product under OSK188.com. Err.. tak minat kan??? hehehe...kowang tgk pics je larr....

Ni-lah 2 bodyguard gue... sentiasa follow & support with full co-opearation. Thanks bro's...

These 2 adikz oso help me a lotttt! Hafiz & Tuti...

Last... muka-ku dah penattttt.....compare tui anak dare kt sblh tu control manja jer! arrrghhh... jgn marah sama daku Tiiiii.....
bab2 trading ni rasa macam nak cuba, tapi tak berani.
ni kalo en.suami ni.. dia suka bab2 investment.. tp kita x reti...
kak nur.. nampak cumel disebelah bodygourd
alahai.. tecitnyer ahkak kite kena apit oleh 2 bodyguard..
nomeynye diyeeee
ko kena tau gak sket2.. kang ada share ESOS baru NCB ker? FREE tu..
hmm.. mmg biase org laki yg berani ceburi tp AWASSSS... kaum wanita juga leh succses taw!!!
tecit kannnn? huhu.. takpe asal cumil (bak kt Halilah :))
mekacih... (malu-nyeeee!)
laling...Ilham kan...sampai skrg dok nyesal jual Masterskill tu awal sgt. Tu lar...x mo dgr cakap wifey suh simpan..jgn jual...kan skrg dah rugi lorrrr. Ilham dok beli IPO for Smarttag...nko rasa harga dia leh pegi jauh tak???
larr.. hr nie ada kuar news ada tide-up ngan indon... takpe laling, u suh beli share laen! PCHEM, MHB or.. try IPO yg leh tahan byk lar nie! SMART TAG? rase-nyee ok gak... oversubscribe ratus kali dgr-nya!
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